
Installation Guides


1. Install Dependencies:

  • Open a Command Prompt or PowerShell window.
  • Navigate to the directory containing the install.bat file.
  • Run the install.bat file. This will create a Conda environment and install all necessary dependencies.

2. Run the RVC CLI:

  • After installing requirements, you can start using the CLI. However, make sure you run the prerequisites command first to download additional models and executables.
  • Launch the application using:
    env/python.exe prerequisites
  • Once the prerequisites are downloaded, you can use the RVC CLI as usual.

macOS & Linux

1. Install Python (3.9 or 3.10):

  • If you don't have Python installed, use your system's package manager. For example, on Ubuntu:
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install python3

2. Create a Virtual Environment:

  • Open a terminal window.
  • Navigate to the directory containing the file.
  • Run the following command to create a virtual environment:
    python3 -m venv venv

3. Activate the Environment:

  • Run the following command to activate the virtual environment:
    source venv/bin/activate

4. Install Dependencies:

  • Run the following command to install all necessary dependencies:
    pip install -r requirements.txt

5. Run the RVC CLI with prerequisites:

  • Launch the application and run the prerequisites command to download additional models and executables.
    python prerequisites

6. Run the RVC CLI:

  • After the prerequisites are downloaded, you can use the RVC CLI as usual.


  • For Linux, you may need to install additional packages depending on your system.
  • If you face any errors during the installation process, consult the respective package managers' documentation for further instructions.